Monday, February 13, 2012

Education Quotes for the Day

Retired educators have as much at stake in
the success of America's great public education
system as we did when we served in the classroom.
We've never wanted any child left behind.  And
it's important that the wisdom of our experience
and our advocacy for those with no voice should
be shared across our land.

In our mechanized society where thoughts as
well as automobiles may be assembled in an
automated factory, it is also, by some narrow
logic, expedient to reduce children to those
yes-no codes most easily processed by such a
system . . . .  When life becomes one giant data-
processing system, the winners are those with
the greatest aptitude for being data.
Judith Groch

Education is the biggest business in America.
It has the largest number of owners, the most
extensive and costly plant, and utilizes the most
valuable raw material.  It has the greatest number
of operators.  It employs our greatest investment
in money and time, with the exception of national
defense.  Its product has the greatest influence on
both America and the world.
R.S. Sligh, Jr.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

NCRSP Winter and Spring Meetings

Here are the dates for our remaining meetings for this school year:
  • February 2, 2012:  Local Meeting at MCS Board Room in Carthage at 10:00 a.m.
  • March 21-22, 2012:  State Convention in Winston-Salem
  • April 16, 2012:  District 8 Members' Annual Meeting  (9:30- Registration, 10-11:30 meeting)
  • April 19, 2012  Our Spring Social/Short Meeting
Retired school personnel can play an important role as advocates for education.  We've been on the front lines for decades and the wisdom of our experience can offer guidance to today's leaders.  In this election year there will be many critical issues on the local, state, and national levels.  Don't be bashful about telling your friends, neighbors, and relatives "How it is."